UTirana Fluturat Acknowledgements

Fluturat e Shqipërisë
Butterflies of Albania

Sylvain Cuvelier =
Anila Paparisto =

Last update: 09.i.2025


Tirana University
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Department of Biology
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This website was made possible with the support of Prof. Dr. Artan Hoxha, the Rector of the Universiteti i Tiranës.
We thank him for his support to launch this website as part of the contribution from the Tirana University on the biodiversity and nature of Albania.

We are indebted to Richard Lewington (www.richardlewington.co.uk) who gave his permission to use and adapt his illustrations from the Field Guide of the Butterflies of Britain and Europe, for all the species that are more difficult to identify.
We also thank Juxhin Caushi for his suggestions, input and implementation of this new website.

Grateful thanks to all persons who contributed to the improvement of our knowledge on the Albanian butterflies.
This included dealing with experiences, suggesting specific localities to research and not at least, growing friendships.
The following people are thanked:

Martin Bjerg (Denmark, communication)
Stoyan Beshkov (Bulgaria, data)
Jonathan Bradley (UK, data)
Juxhin Caushi (Albania, IT)
Cecilia Corbella (Spain, processing of samples for barcoding)
Jurgen Couckuyt (Belgium, field work)
John Coutsis (Greece, material)
Jori Degrande (Belgium, material)
Kaj Dahl (Denmark, communication)
Jori Degrande (Belgium, material)
Roland Demol (Belgium, data)
Willy De Prins (Belgium, literature, communication, IT)
Vlad Dincă (Romania, field work, barcoding)
Louis Diringer (France, referring to the project)
Christian Dollé (France, data)
Floris Douglas (Belgium, information Limenitis populi)
Milan Đurić (Serbia, literature data)
Yann Feryn (Belgium, data)
Marjanne Foppen (Netherlands, fieldwork)
Theo Garrevoet (Belgium, literature data, IT, field work)
Martin Gascoigne-Pees (UK, material, communication)
Jean-Marc Gayman (France, referring to the project)
Eltjon Halimi (Albania, field work)
Zdravko Kolev (Bulgaria, communication)
Richard Lewington (UK, material)
Thomas Maertens (Belgium, data)
Mohamad AJ Marafi (Kuwait, field work, material)
Dime Melovski (North Macedonia, data)
Kastriot Misja (Albania, discussions, data) †
Morten Mølgaard (Denmark, fieldwork)
Ana Nahirnić-Beskhova (Bulgaria, data)
Eddy Oorthuysen (Netherlands, field work)
Laurian Parmentier (Belgium, data)
Marko Prendi (Albania, data, field work)
Xhuliana Qirinxhi (Albania, data, field work)
Jesper Rasmussen (Denmark, data)
Hilde Roosen (Belgium, data)
Peter Russell (UK, identification of Melitaea ornata/phoebe)
Lulëzim Shuka (Albania, flora)
Konrad Sachanowicz (Poland, data)
Johan Staelens (Belgium, data)
Michel Taymans (Belgium, data, field work)
Alon Toledo (Israël, data)
Ofir Tomer (Israël, data)
Rexhep Uka (Albania, data)
Daan Van Eenaeme (Belgium, material)
Chris van Swaay (Netherlands, communiciation)
Pieter Vantieghem (Belgium, data)
Rudi Verovnik (Slovenia, data)
Roger Vila (Spain, communication, barcoding, data)
Albert Vliegenthart (Netherlands, communication)
Per-Olof Wickman (Sweden, material)
Heiner Ziegler (Switzerland, identification of Pieris napi/balcana)

The following friends and colleagues are thanked for providing their photographs and figures that were made with passion and a lot of patience:

Andrea Angiari (Italy)
Stoyan Beshkov (Bulgaria)
Jonathan Bradley (UK)
Nathalie Brenner (Germany)
Geolind Cobaj (Albania)
Jurgen Couckuyt (Belgium)
John Coutsis (Greece)
Vlad Dincă (Romania)
Marjanne Foppen (Netherlands)
Aleksander Golemaj (Albania)
Theo Garrevoet (Belgium)
Eltjon Halimi (Albania)
Levente Horvath (Hungary)
Zdravko Kolev (Bulgaria)
Tom Nygaard Kristensen (Denmark)
Yann Feryn (Belgium)
Mohamad AJ Marafi (Kuwait)
Eddy Oorthuysen (Netherlands)
Lazaros Pamperis (Greece)
Laurian Parmentier (Belgium)
Anila Paparisto (Albania)
Josif Paparisto (Albania)
Marko Prendi (Albania)
Xhuliana Qirinxhi (Albania)
Jesper Rasmussen (Denmark)
Hilde Roosen (Belgium)
Morten Schneider Molgaard (Denmark)
Lulëzim Shuka (Albania)
Stef Spruytte (Belgium)
Johan Staelens (Belgium)
Fuat Tartari (Albania)
Michel Taymans (Belgium)
Ofir Tomer (Israel)
Artan Trebicka (Albania)
Jacques Vervaeke (Belgium)
Roger Vila (Spain)
Wei Zhou (China)

< Introduction
