Date |
Subject |
13.ii.2025 |
Adapted Sources |
05.ii.2025 |
Added in Sources: Jakšić P. 2025. The Butterflies and Skippers of the Kosovo and Metohija, Republic of Serbia А Faunal and Ecological study. — Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" – National Institute of Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade, 277 p. |
30.i.2025 |
Updated Red List, inclusion of Pelopidas thrax (Hübner, [1821]) as NE (not evaluated) |
28.i.2025 |
Added in Sources: Taymans M. & Cuvelier S. 2025. A dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies, hyperlinked to the original descriptions at species, genus and family level (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea). — Archives of Western Palearctic Lepidoptera 2025(1): 1-70 (pdf) (url) |
27.i.2025 |
Added in Sources: Cuvelier S. & Marafi AJ M. 2025. Status and conservation of genetic diversity in the disjunct populations of Pseudochazara tisiphone Brown, [1981], in Albania. — Archives of Western Palearctic Lepidoptera 2025(1): 71-78 (pdf) (url)
Adapted Monograph Pseudochazaraz tisiphone.
14.i.2025 |
Adapted launch_30.x.2023.html with reaction after the recent website update. |
09.i.2025 |
Photographs and video from 2024 are included in:
General Chapter 5. The life cycle of a butterfly
Monograph Allancastria cerisyi
Monograph Aporia crataegi
Monograph Argynnis paphia
Monograph Boloria euphrosyne
Monograph Carcharodus alceae
Monograph Charaxes jasius
Monograph Coenonympha arcania
Monograph Coenonympha orientalis
Monograph Coenonympha rhodopensis
Monograph Colias alfacariensis
Monograph Colias croceus
Monograph Driopa mnemosyne
Monograph Erynnis tages
Monograph Euchloe ausonia
Monograph Eumedonia eumedon
Monograph Favonius quercus
Monograph Gonepteryx cleopatra
Monograph Hamearis lucina
Monograph Hipparchia fagi
Monograph Iphiclides podalirius
Monograph Lampides boeticus
Monograph Lasiommata maera
Monograph Lasiommata megera
Monograph Limenitis reducta
Monograph Lycaena candens
Monograph Lycaena tityrus
Monograph Lysandra bellargus
Monograph Melitaea cinxia
Monograph Melitaea didyma
Monograph Melitaea ornata
Monograph Melitaea phoebe
Monograph Melitaea trivia
Monograph Muschampia alta
Monograph Ochlodes sylvanus
Monograph Papilio alexanor
Monograph Pelopidas thrax
Monograph Polygonia egea
Monograph Polyommatus damon
Monograph Polyommatus icarus
Monograph Pontia edusa
Monograph Pseudochazara amalthea
Monograph Pyrgus armoricanus
Monograph Pyronia cecilia
Monograph Satyrium ilicis
Monograph Satyrus ferula
Monograph Scolitantides orion
Monograph Spialia orbifer
Monograph Spialia phlomidis
Monograph Tarucus balkanica
Monograph Thymelicus acteon
New monograph Limenitis populi |
03.i.2025 |
Adapted |
02.i.2025 |
Adapted Index.
Adapted Index Scientific
Adapted Index Shqip
Adapted Index English
Adapted Additions. 2. Symbols and abbreviations |
31.xii.2024 |
Adapted Acknowledgements. |
26.xii.2024 |
Adapted Acknowledgements. |
23.xii.2024 |
Adapted Updates. |
20.xii.2024 |
Preparing upload photographs from 2024 for:
General Chapter 5. The life cycle of a butterfly
Monograph Allancastria cerisyi
Monograph Aporia crataegi
Monograph Argynnis paphia
Monograph Boloria euphrosyne
Monograph Carcharodus alceae
Monograph Charaxes jasius
Monograph Coenonympha arcania
Monograph Coenonympha orientalis
Monograph Coenonympha rhodopensis
Monograph Colias alfacariensis
Monograph Colias croceus
Monograph Driopa mnemosyne
Monograph Erynnis tages
Monograph Euchloe ausonia
Monograph Eumedonia eumedon
Monograph Favonius quercus
Monograph Gonepteryx cleopatra
Monograph Hamearis lucina
Monograph Hipparchia fagi
Monograph Iphiclides podalirius
Monograph Lampides boeticus
Monograph Lasiommata maera
Monograph Lasiommata megera
Monograph Limenitis reducta
Monograph Lycaena candens
Monograph Lycaena tityrus
Monograph Lysandra bellargus
Monograph Melitaea cinxia
Monograph Melitaea didyma
Monograph Melitaea ornata
Monograph Melitaea phoebe
Monograph Melitaea trivia
Monograph Muschampia alta
Monograph Ochlodes sylvanus
Monograph Papilio alexanor
Monograph Pelopidas thrax
Monograph Polygonia egea
Monograph Polyommatus damon
Monograph Polyommatus icarus
Monograph Pontia edusa
Monograph Pseudochazara amalthea
Monograph Pyrgus armoricanus
Monograph Pyronia cecilia
Monograph Satyrium ilicis
Monograph Satyrus ferula
Monograph Scolitantides orion
Monograph Spialia orbifer
Monograph Spialia phlomidis
Monograph Tarucus balkanica
Monograph Thymelicus acteon
New monograph Limenitis populi
14.xii.2024 |
Adapted Acknowledgements.
Selecting photographs from the 2024 surveys for the next update. |
09.xii.024 |
Ongoing modification:
Ongoing modification: Monographs. |
04.xii.2024 |
23.x.2024 |
Updated General chapter 9. Links ( ) to barcodes in BOLD Systems adapted to the recent version, BOLD Systems v4. |
16.x.2024 |
New publication. |
30.x.2024 |
25.ix.2024 |
17.vii.2024 |
16.vii.2024 |
26.v.2024 |
Correction of the hyperlink to Heteropterus morpheus in News. |
18.v.2024 |
The new Atlas, including all the observations up to 31.xii.2023, is available.
The previous Atlas, including all the observations up to 31.xii.2022, is available:
archived version of Atlas.
The adaptations to the recent checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies are finalized. |
21.iv.2024 |
Adapted Sources. Added publication (url) |
19.iv.2024 |
ID-tool for Carcharodus and Muschampia, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url).
Red List, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url). |
17.iv.2024 |
General Chapters, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url). |
15.iv.2024 |
Monographs of the Satyrinae, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url). |
14.iv.2024 |
Index, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url).
Index Scientific, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url).
Index Shqip, correction typo.
Monographs of the Polyommatinae, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url).
Monographs of the Theclinae, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url).
Monographs of the Riodinidae, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url).
Atlas of the Nymphalidae, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url).
Monographs of the Nymphalidae excl. Satyrinae, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url).
13.iv.2024 |
Monographs of the Lycaeninae, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url).
Atlas of the Lycaenidae, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url). |
12.iv.2024 |
Monographs of the Papilionidae, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url).
Monographs of the Hesperiidae, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url).
Monographs of the Pieridae, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url).
Atlas of the Papilionidae, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url).
Atlas of the Hesperiidae, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url).
Atlas of the Pieridae, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url). |
11.iv.2024 |
Checklist, adapted to the dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies (url).
Adapted Sources. |
08.iii.2024 |
Adapted Acknowledgements. |
20.ii.2024 |
Updated Red List. Status Heteropterus morpheus.
Updated General Chapter 9. Changed Fig. 2.
Updated monograph Pyrgus andromedae.
Adapted Updates.
Adapted Acknowledgements.
16.ii.2024 |
Updated monograph Lysandra coridon. New photograph.
Adapted Acknowledgements.
Adapted Updates. |
11.ii.2024 |
Updated monograph Polyommatus icarus. New photograph.
Adapted Acknowledgements.
Adapted Updates. |
10.ii.2024 |
Updated monograph Melitaea ornata. New photograph.
Updated monograph Pseudochazara amalthea. New photographs.
Updated monograph Muschampia alta. New photographs.
Adapted Acknowledgements.
Adapted Updates. |
05.ii.2024 |
Adapted Sources. Including Bond K. 2023. Lepidoptera recorded in Albania during two visits, 2009 and 2014. — Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation 135(3): 129–136. |
02.ii.2024 |
Adapted Acknowledgements.
Adapted monograph Pelopidas thrax.
Adapted Updates.
Adapted Sources. Including 2 publications: Dhora Dh. (2005) and Dhora Dh., Dhora D. & Dhora A. (2016). |
31.i.2024 |
Adapted monograph Pelopidas thrax. |
27.i.2024 |
Added in General Chapter 6: Clarke H. 2024. A checklist of European butterfly larval foodplants. — Ecology and evolution 14, e10834 (url)
24.i.2024 |
Adapted Acknowledgements. |
17.i.2024 |
08.i.2024 |
Archived Xmas webpage. New species for Albania: Heteropterus morpheus. |
Updated monograph Papilio machaon. New photographs.
Updated monograph Parnassius mnemosyne. New photographs.
Updated monograph Thymelicus acteon. New photographs.
Updated monograph Thymelicus sylvestris. New photographs.
Updated monograph Carterocephalus palaemon. New photographs.
Updated monograph Heteropterus morpheus. New photographs.
Updated monograph Erynnis tages. New photographs.
Updated monograph Colias aurorina. New photographs.
Updated monograph Gonepteryx cleopatra. New photographs.
Updated monograph Gonepteryx farinosa. New photographs.
Updated monograph Aporia crataegi. New photographs.
Updated monograph Pieris brassicae. New photographs.
Updated monograph Pieris napi. New photographs.
Updated monograph Pieris rapae. New photographs.
Updated monograph Lycaena alciphron. New photographs.
Updated monograph Lycaena ottomana. New photographs.
Updated monograph Lycaena phlaeas. New photographs.
Updated monograph Lycaena tityrus. New photographs.
Updated monograph Aricia agestis. New photographs.
Updated monograph Aricia anteros. New photographs.
Updated monograph Cacyreus marshalli. New photographs.
Updated monograph Celastrina argiolus. New photographs.
Updated monograph Cupido osiris. New photographs.
Updated monograph Eumedonia eumedon. New photographs.
Updated monograph Iolana iolas. New photographs.
Updated monograph Lysandra bellargus. New photographs.
Updated monograph Polyommatus dorylas. New photographs.
Updated monograph Polyommatus thersites. New photographs.
Updated monograph Pseudophilotes bavius.New photographs.
Updated monograph Pseudophilotes vicrama. New photographs.
Updated monograph Scolitantides orion. New photographs.
Updated monograph Tarucus balkanicus. New photographs.
Updated monograph Satyrium acaciae. New photographs.
Updated monograph Satyrium ilicis. New photographs.
Updated monograph Satyrium spini. New photographs.
Updated monograph Hamearis lucina. New photographs.
Updated monograph Boloria euphrosyne. New photographs.
Updated monograph Brenthis daphne. New photographs.
Updated monograph Brenthis hecate. New photographs.
Updated monograph Libythea celtis. New photographs.
Updated monograph Limenitis reducta. New photographs.
Updated monograph Neptis rivularis. New photographs.
Updated monograph Euphydryas aurinia. New photographs.
Updated monograph Euphydryas maturna. New photographs.
Updated monograph Melitaea athalia. New photographs.
Updated monograph Melitaea cinxia. New photographs.
Updated monograph Melitaea diamina. New photographs.
Updated monograph Melitaea phoebe. New photographs.
Updated monograph Melitaea trivia. New photographs.
Updated monograph Nymphalis antiopa. New photographs.
Updated monograph Nymphalis xanthomelas. New photographs.
Updated monograph Polygonia egea. New photographs.
Updated monograph Vanessa atalanta. New photographs.
Updated monograph Vanessa cardui. New photographs.
Updated monograph Coenonympha arcania. New photographs.
Updated monograph Erebia medusa. New photographs.
Updated monograph Erebia pandrose. New photographs.
Updated monograph Hipparchia fatua. New photographs.
Updated monograph Lasiommata maera. New photographs.
Updated monograph Lasiommata megera. New photographs.
Updated monograph Maniola jurtina. New photographs.
Updated monograph Pararge aegeria. New photographs.
New monograph Pelopidas thrax.
Updated Acknowledgements.
Updated General Chapter 10.
Updated Monographs.
Updated Atlas.
Updated Atlas Hesperiidae.
Updated Checklist.
Updated Sources. |
20.xii.2023 |
Temporary Xmas webpage. New species for Albania: Heteropterus morpheus. |
5.xii.2023 |
Adapted Additions. 2. Symbols and abbreviations. |
29.xi.2023 |
Launch 30.x.2023 |
JEE | ES 2023 in the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (Belgium)
Presentation of the new website and Belgian launch by Sylvain Cuvelier.
Adapted |
10.xi.2023 |
International launch of the new website by Sylvain Cuvelier and Anila Paparisto. |
Launch 30.x.2023
27.x.2023 |
Adapted Acknowledgements. |
Adapted Content.
Adapted Additions. 2. Symbols and abbreviations. |
Added in Sources: Malatesta L., De Sanctis M., Ammann E., Attore F., Buffi F., Cambria V., Fratarcangeli C., Hoda P., Mahmutaj E., Meco M., Mullaj A., Shuka L. & Fanelli G. 2023. Bioregionalization of Albania: Mismatch between the flora and the climate suggests that our models of Southern European bioregions are in need of a revision. Folia Geobotanica (url)
Adapted General Chapter 8. Added reference (url) |
21.x.2023 |
Adapted Acknowledgements. |
17.x.2023 |
Adapted Checklist. |
Added General Chapter 11. Red list.
Adapted General Chapters.
Adapted Updates.
Adapted Content. |
Adapted Introduction.
Adapted lay-out of the global Atlas.
Adatpted lay-out Atlases Papilionidae, Hesperiidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Riodinidae, Nymphalidae except Saytirinae, Nymphalidae Satyrinae.
Adapted bottom lay-out of all webpages. |
Adapted General Chapter 4. Added information and reference (url)
Adapted Introduction. Added in News: presentation (on 25.xi.2023 at RBINS) of Fluturat e Shqipërisë. |
27.ix.2023 |
Adapted Monographs. |
Adapted Acknowledgements.
Adapted General Chapter 5. Added: Breeding. |
Adapted Checklist.
Adapted Additions. 2. Symbols and abbreviations.
Updated Introduction.
Updated General Chapter 8. Added: photographs. |
Updated monograph Polyommatus (aroaniensis) lurae.
Updated monograph Polyommatus (aroaniensis) orphicus.
Updated monograph Polyommatus ripartii. |
Updated General Chapters.
Updated Content.
Updated Introduction. |
Updated Acknowledgements.
Updated General chapter 10.
Updated Sources. |
Inserting the new banner in all the webpages.
Updated Introduction.
Added webpage: Updates. |
25.v.2023 |
Starting the develoment of the new webiste Fluturat e Shqipërisë (hosted by the University of Tirana) with Juxhin Caushi. |
16.v.2023 |
Stopping the development of the preliminary version (hosted by VVE) |
Chronicles |