UTirana Fluturat Atlas Additions

Fluturat e Shqipërisë
Butterflies of Albania

Sylvain Cuvelier =
Anila Paparisto =

Last update: 09.i.2025


Tirana University
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Department of Biology
0 Introduction Acknowledgements Content General Chapters Monographs Checklist Additions Sources Index Updates  

2. Symbols and abbreviations

© copyright
click on the picture to enlarge
= contributed equally and share authorship
°C degrees Celsius
(url) link to external website
♀(♀) female(s)
> (>>) slightly larger (larger)
♂(♂) male(s)
* marginal occurence
news: meeting, congress, survey and recent publication
# number of
make photographic evidence
/ per


similar size
< (<<) slightly smaller (smaller)
* status unclear
identification tool
🦋 Hyperlink to a monograph
a.s.l. above sea level
AL Albania
ALP Alps
AP Anila Paparisto
b basal
BG Bulgaria
BIH Bosna and Herzegovina
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora
Country colours black = present ; grey = not present ; red = extinct
d discal
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
EEU eastern Europe
EU European Union
et al. et alii
f. forma
Fig. figure
Fw forewing
gc ground colour
i January
ii February
ICZN International Code on Zoological Nomenclature
iii March
iv April
ix September
GR Greece
HR Croatia
Hw hindwing
IB Iberian peninsula
IT Italian peninsula
IUCN Internation Union for the Conservation of Nature
LP Laurian Parmentier
m meter
mm millimeter
MNE Montenegro
NA not available
NMK Republic of North Macedonia
NWE north-western Europe
p. page
PBA prime butterfly areas of Europe
pd postdiscal
RKS Republic of Kosovo
RO Romania
s space between the wing veins
SC Sylvain Cuvelier
SCA Scandinavia
SLO Slovenia
sm submarginal
sp. species
SPEC species of European conservation concern
spp. subspecies
SRB Serbia
TL type locality
Tmax mean daily maximum temperature
Tmin mean daily minimum temperature
UK United Kingdom
Unf underside forewing
Unh underside hindwing
Uns underside
Upf upperside forewing
Uph upperside hindwing
Ups upperside
vs. versus
v May
vi June
vii July
viii August
v1 to v12 number of wing veins
x October
xi November
xii December
< Additions
