UTirana Fluturat Monographs

Fluturat e Shqipërisë
Butterflies of Albania

Sylvain Cuvelier =
Anila Paparisto =

Last update: 09.i.2025


Tirana University
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Department of Biology
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Driopa mnemosyne / Clouded Apollo
Papilionidae - Parnassiinae

Driopa mnemosyne (Linnaeus, 1758). TL: Finland.

1a. Driopa mnemosyne, distribution map (09.i.2025). Historical data ; Additional data from the 2018 update ; New observations since the 2018 update.
1b. Driopa mnemosyne. Qorre Cika, Albania (© Lulëzim Shuka)
1c. Driopa mnemosyne ♂ underside. Cerem, Albania (© Sylvain Cuvelier, )
1d. Driopa mnemosyne upperside, Valbonë (© Jesper Rasmussen, )
1e. flowers of Corydalis lutea. Shkelzen, Albania (© Sylvain Cuvelier, )
1f. Corydalis lutea. Shkelzen, Albania (© Sylvain Cuvelier, ).
1g. Habitat of Driopa mnemosyne. Mali i Shkelzenit, Albania (© Sylvain Cuvelier, )
1h. Driopa mnemosyne. Vermosh, Albania (© Sylvain Cuvelier, )
1i. Driopa mnemosyne. Bulgaria (© Sylvain Cuvelier)

Medium size butterfly. Fw: 26-31 mm.
Ups: white gc without red spots.
Upf: two black dots and a wide grey marginal border.
Uns: similar.
Markings sometimes more extensive and with dark grey suffusion.
Abdomen with a large sphragis.

2. Driopa mnemoysye ♀, sphragis. Albania (© Sylvain Cuvelier)

Similar species

Aporia crataegi

No cell-spot.
Weak discal mark.

No postdiscal spot.
No black suffused inner margin

No cell-spot.
Weak discal mark.

No postdiscal spot.
No black suffused inner margin

Life cycle
Adults: one generation from end-April at lower elevations till July at high altitudes.
Egg: overwintering as a fully developed larva inside the egg.
Caterpillar: developing rapidly.
Pupa: short stage.

Driopa mnemosyne inhabits flowery clearings and glades in deciduous and mixed forests, mountain slopes up to high alpine slopes from 450 up to 2200 m a.s.l.
Spatial requirement considerable, population density can be high, vagrant specimens can be found at the end of the flight time.

Caterpillars feed on Corydalis sp., also mentioned is Pseudofumaria alba.
Butterflies are feediing on a large variety of flowers.

Albania: local.
Balkan: AL - BG - BIH - GR - HR - NMK - MNE - RKS - RO - SLO - SRB
Europe: IB* - IT - BAL - ALP - NWE* - UK - SCA* - EEU
Asia Minor, Near East, Transcaucasia, Caucasus and further east.

Conservation status
Driopa mnemosyne is not endangered in Albania.
Albanian Red List: NT.
UCN Red List, category at the Mediterranean level: LC.

Useful links

< Parnassius apollo
