UTirana Fluturat Index English

Fluturat e Shqipërisë
Butterflies of Albania

Sylvain Cuvelier =
Anila Paparisto =

Last update: 09.i.2025


Tirana University
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Department of Biology
0 Introduction Acknowledgements Content General Chapters Monographs Checklist Additions Sources Index Updates  

🦋: hyperlink to the monograph.

Adonis Blue 🦋
Alcon Blue 🦋
Almond-eyed Ringlet 🦋
Alpine Grizzled Skipper 🦋
Amanda's Blue 🦋
Anomalous Blue 🦋

Apollo 🦋
Arran Brown 🦋

Balkan Clouded Yellow 🦋
Balkan Copper 🦋
Balkan Fritillary 🦋
Balkan Grayling 🦋
Balkan Green-veined White 🦋
Balkan Marbled White 🦋
Bavius Blue 🦋
Berger’s Clouded Yellow 🦋
Black Hairstreak 🦋
Black Ringlet 🦋
Black-veined White 🦋
Blue Argus 🦋
Blue-spot Hairstreak 🦋
Bosnian Blue 🦋
Bright-eyed Ringlet 🦋
Brimstone 🦋
Brown Argus 🦋
Brown Hairstreak 🦋
Brown's Grayling 🦋

Cardinal 🦋
Camberwell Beauty 🦋
Chalkhill Blue 🦋
Chapman’s Blue 🦋
Checquered Blue 🦋
Chequered Skipper 🦋
Chestnut Heath 🦋
Clouded Apollo 🦋
Clouded Yellow 🦋
Comma Butterfly 🦋
Common Blue 🦋
Common Brassy Ringlet 🦋
Common Glider 🦋
Cryptic Wood White 🦋

Dalmatian Ringlet 🦋
Damon Blue 🦋
Dark Grayling 🦋
Dark Green Fritillary 🦋
Delattin's Grayling 🦋
de Prunner's Ringlet 🦋
Dewy Ringlet 🦋
Dingy Skipper 🦋
Dryad 🦋
Duke of Burgundy Fritillary 🦋
Dusky Meadow Brown 🦋

Eastern Bath White 🦋
Eastern Baton Blue 🦋
Eastern Dappled White 🦋
Eastern Festoon 🦋
Eastern Greenish Black-tip 🦋
Eastern Large Heath 🦋
Eastern Knapweed Fritillary 🦋
Eastern Orange Tip 🦋
Eastern Rock Grayling 🦋
Eastern Short-tailed Blue 🦋
Eastern Wood White 🦋
Eros Blue 🦋
Escher's Blue 🦋
Esper's Marbled White 🦋
Essex skipper 🦋

False Comma 🦋
False Grayling 🦋
False Heath Fritillary
Freyer's Fritillary 🦋
Freyer's Grayling 🦋
Freyer's Purple Emperor 🦋

Gate Keeper 🦋
Geranium Argus 🦋
Geranium Bronze 🦋
Glanville Fritillary 🦋
Grayling 🦋
Great Banded Grayling 🦋
Great Sooty Satyr 🦋
Grecian Copper 🦋
Greek Clouded Yellow 🦋
Green Hairstreak 🦋
Green-underside Blue 🦋
Green-veined White 🦋
Grey Asian Grayling 🦋
Grizzled Skipper 🦋
Gruner's Orange Tip 🦋

Heath Fritillary 🦋
Hermit 🦋
High Brown Fritillary 🦋
Holly Blue 🦋
Hungarian Glider 🦋

Idas Blue 🦋
Ilex Hairstreak 🦋
Inky Skipper 🦋

Iolas Blue 🦋

Knapweed Fritillary 🦋
Krueper's Small White 🦋

Lang's Short-tailed Blue 🦋
Large Blue 🦋
Large Chequered Skipper 🦋
Large Copper 🦋
Large Grizzled Skipper 🦋
Large Ringlet 🦋
Large Skipper 🦋
Large Tortoiseshell 🦋
Large Wall Brown 🦋
Large White 🦋
Lattice Brown 🦋
Lesser Fiery Copper 🦋
Lesser Latice Brown 🦋
Lesser Marbled Fritillary 🦋
Lesser Purple Emperor 🦋
Lesser Spotted Fritillary 🦋
Little Blue 🦋
Little Tiger Blue 🦋
Long-tailed Blue 🦋
Lulworth Skipper 🦋

Mallow Skipper 🦋
Map Butterfly 🦋
Marbled Fritillary 🦋
Marbled Skipper 🦋
Marbled White 🦋
Marsh Fritillary 🦋
Mazarine Blue 🦋
Meadow Brown 🦋
Mediterranean Skipper 🦋
Meleager's Blue 🦋
Millet Skipper 🦋
Mountain Argus 🦋
Mountain Ringlet 🦋
Mountain Small White 🦋

Nettle-tree Butterfly 🦋
Nicholl's Ringlet 🦋
Nickerl’s Fritillary 🦋
Niobe Fritillary 🦋
Northern Wall Brown 🦋

Oberthür’s Grizzled Skipper 🦋
Olive Skipper 🦋
Orange-tip 🦋
Orbed Red-underwing Skipper 🦋
Oriental Heath 🦋
Oriental Marbled Skipper 🦋
Oriental Meadow Brown 🦋
Osiris Blue 🦋
Ottoman Brassy Ringlet 🦋

Painted Lady 🦋
Peacock Butterfly 🦋
Pearl-bordered Fritillary 🦋
Pearly Heath 🦋
Persian Skipper 🦋
Pigmy Skipper 🦋
Plain Tiger 🦋
Poplar Admiral 🦋
Powdered Brimstone 🦋
Provençal Short-tailed Blue 🦋
Purple Emperor 🦋
Purple Hairstreak 🦋
Purple-shot Copper 🦋

Queen of Spain Fritillary 🦋

Red Admiral 🦋
Reverdin’s Blue 🦋
Ringlet 🦋
Ripart's Anomalous Blue 🦋
Russian Heath 🦋

Safflower Skipper 🦋
Sage Skipper 🦋
Sandy Grizzled Skipper 🦋
Scarce Copper 🦋
Scarce Fritillary 🦋
Scarce Swallowtail 🦋
Scotch Argus 🦋
Shepherd's Fritillary 🦋
Short-tailed Blue 🦋
Silky Ringlet 🦋
Silver-studded Blue 🦋
Silver-washed Fritillary 🦋
Silver-spotted Skipper 🦋
Sloe Hairstreak 🦋
Small Bath White 🦋

Small Copper 🦋
Small Heath 🦋
Small Skipper 🦋
Small Tortoiseshell 🦋
Small White 🦋
Sooty Copper 🦋
Southern Comma 🦋
Southern Festoon 🦋
Southern Gate Keeper 🦋
Southern Small White 🦋
Southern Swallowtail 🦋
Southern White Admiral 🦋
Speckled Wood 🦋
Spotted Fritillary 🦋
Swallowtail 🦋

Tessellated Skipper 🦋
Titania's Fritillary 🦋
Tree Grayling 🦋
Tufted Marbled Skipper 🦋
Turquoise Blue 🦋
Twin-spot Fritillary 🦋
Two-tailed Pasha 🦋



Wall Brown 🦋
Water Ringlet 🦋
Weaver’s Fritillary 🦋
White Admiral 🦋
White Letter Hairstreak 🦋
White-banded Grayling 🦋
Wood White 🦋
Woodland Grayling 🦋
Woodland Ringlet 🦋

Yellow-banded Skipper 🦋
Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell 🦋

Zephyr Blue 🦋

< Sources
