UTirana Fluturat Monographs

Fluturat e Shqipërisë
Butterflies of Albania

Sylvain Cuvelier =
Anila Paparisto =

Last update: 05.viii.2023


Tirana University
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Department of Biology
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Monographs manual

Ordered per family.
To make it more convenient searching for the subfamilies and the species of each family, they are ordered alphabetically.

Line 1
- Scientific name, English name: this is a confirmed species
- Scientific name, English name: this is a data deficient species
- Scientific name, English name: this is a potentially present species
Line 2: Albanian name
Line 3: Family and subfamily
Subscript: full scientific name with TL

The nomenclature is based on Wiemers et al. 2018 and Dapporto et al. 2022

Figures and legends:
Each block of figures and photographs is given a number (referring to the text).
If there are several figures in the block, this is indicated in the legend by letters (a-e).
This starts from top left to top right and then from bottom left to bottom right.
All figures and photographs are subject to copyright. Contact us if you would like to use a figure or photograph.

Relevant information for identification purpose is the major objective of the descriptions.
It follows the same order for every monograph. The abbreviations are explained lower.
Forewing length is measured from the point of attachment to the thorax till the apex.

Similar species:
Relevant information about similar species and the keys to distinguish them are given here.
A link to the monograph of the similar species is included.
For diffucult identifications, comparative illustrations are available.

Life cycle:
Information concerning the stages: adult, egg, caterpillar and pupa.

Information concerning the biotopes, the spatial requirement, the population density and stay-at-home or migrating behavior.

Only foodplants of caterpillars occuring in Albania.
This is not an exhaustive list of all foodplants mentioned in literature for a given species..

- Albania: short information.
- Balkan: presence or not in the countries of the peninsula marked as: AL - BG - BIH - GR - HR - NMK - MNE - RKS - RO - SLO - SRB
xxx Colours are used: black = present ; grey = not present ; red = extinct
xxx * after the country code: present in the country = within the political boundary of a country but outside the Balkan peninsula.
- Europe: IB - IT - ALP - NWE - UK - SCA - EEU
xxx * after the code: marginal occurrence
- Asia Minor, Near East, Transcaucasia, Caucasus and further east

Conservation status:
Information about the species in Albania.
Albanian Red List: status.
IUCN Red List, category at the Mediterranean level: status.

Useful links:
Websites to consult for photographs, ecological information and relevant publications.

Abbreviations used:
: click on the picture to enlarge
♂(♂): male(s)
♀(♀) : female(s)
AL: Albania
ALP: Alps
AP: Anila Paparisto
a.s.l.: above sea level
BG: Bulgaria
BIH: Bosnia and Herzegovina
EEU: eastern Europe
Fw (fw): forewing
gc: ground color
GR: Greece
HR: Croatia
Hw (hw): hindwing
IB: Iberian peninsula
IT: Italian peninsula
LP: Laurian Parmentier
NMK: Republic of North Macedonia
NWE: north-western Europe
MNE: Montenegro
RKS: Republic of Kosovo
RO: Romania
s: space between the veins (see General Chapters 2)
SC: Sylvain Cuvelier
SCA: Scandinavia
SLO: Slovenia
SRB: Serbia
TL: type locality
UK: United Kingdom
Unf (unf): underside forewing
Unh (unh): underside hindwing
Uns (uns): underside
Upf (upf): upperside forewing
Uph (uph): upperside hindwing
Ups ups): upperside
v: vein (see General Chapters 2)

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