UTirana Fluturat Sources

Fluturat e Shqipërisë
Butterflies of Albania

Sylvain Cuvelier =
Anila Paparisto =

Last update: 17.vii.2024


Tirana University
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Department of Biology
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Abadjiev S. & Beshkov S. 1996a. Gonepteryx farinosa (Zeller, 1847) and Pieris krueperi Staudinger, 1860 confirmed for Albania, with a list of species observed in June 1995 (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). — Phegea 24(2): 81–82 (url)

Abadjiev S. & Beshkov S. 1996b. Butterflies observed in Albania, April, 1994 (Lep.: Hesperioidea & Papilionidea). — Entomologist’s Record 108: 231–232 (url)

Abadjiev S. 2001. An atlas of the distribution of the butterflies in Bulgaria (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea & Papilionoidea) — Pensoft, Sofia, 335 p.

Abdija X., Beadini N., Beadini S. & Iseni A. 2013a. Preliminary data for the familia Nymphalidae of Sharr Mountain and its surroudings (Mavrovo and Pollog). — Anglisticum Journal (IJLLIS) 2(2): 227–236 (url)

Abdija X., Beadini N. & Beadini S. 2013b. The basic characteristics of the study of butterfly (Rhopalocera) fauna in the mountain massif of Sharr, Pollog valley and the National Park of Mavrovo. — Advances in Life Science and Technology 8: 28–34 (url)

Abdija X., Beadini N., Beadini S. & Rexhepi B. 2013c. A taxonomic study of the family Hesperiidae (Rhopalocera) of the massif mountains of Sharr, Pollog Valley and Mavrovo National Park. — Journal of Natural Sciences Research 3(12): 47–51 (url)

Abdija X. 2014. Vlerësimi sistematiko-ekologjik i ropalocerofaunës lerësimi të Malit Sharr dhe Rrethinave të tij në rrafshin e entomofaunë Maqedonase. — Doktoratura Universitetii Tiranës, fakulteti i shkencave natyrore. 144 pp. [in Albanese].

Aistleitner E. 2013. Zur Kenntnis der Schmetterlingsfauna der Südalpen und der angrenzenden Dinariden (2) Der Mohrenfalter Erebia medusa (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775), Taxonomie und Chorologie sowie Beschreibung einer neuen Unterart (Lepidoptera, Satyridae) – Atalanta 44(1/2): 119-125 (url)

Aistleitner E. 2019. Coenonympha-Studien 2: Anmerkungen zu Arten der Gattung Coenonympha Hubner, 1819 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) – Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo. 40(2): 75–85.

Alberti B. 1965. Ergebnisse der Albanien-Expedition 1961 des deutschen Entomologischen Institutes. 34. Beitrag. Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae. — Beitrage zur Entomologie 15(5–6): 649–660 (url)

ASIG Geoportal. — https://geoportal.asig.gov.al/ (last consulted on 24.vi.2017).

Barina Z., Somogyi G., Pifko D. & Rakaj M. 2018. Checklist of vascular plants of Albania. — Phytotaxa 378(1): 001-339 (url)

Beshkov S. 1994. Migrant Lepidoptera species in Macedonia and Albania, 1993. — Atalanta 25(3/4): 461–468 (url)

Beshkov S. 1995. Contribution to the knowledge of the Lepidoptera fauna of Albania 2. Some findings of a collecting trip in September 1993 (Lepidoptera, Macrolepidoptera). — Atalanta 26(1/2): 365–399 (url)

Beshkov S. & Misja K. 1995. A Contribution to the knowledge of the Lepidoptera fauna of Albania. 1. Some materials from the collection of K. Misja in the Natural History Museum Tirana and some results of the collecting trip of Beshkov during 1992. — Atalanta 26: 345–363 (url)

Beshkov S. & Abadjiev S. 1996. Migrant species in Macedonia and Albania, 1994 (Insecta, Lepidoptera) — Atalanta 27(1/2): 157-164 (url)

Beshkov S. 1996. Migrant Lepidoptera species in Albania and Macedonia in 1995 (Insecta, Lepidoptera) — Atalanta 27(3/4): 535-543 (url)

Beshkov S. & Nahirnić-Beshkova. 2021. Contribution to knowledge of the Balkan Lepidoptera II (Lepidoptera: Macrolepidoptera) — Ecologica Montenegrina 42: 1–44 (url)

Bink F. 1992. Ecologische Atlas van de Dagvlinders van Noordwest-Europa. — Schuyt & Co, Haarlem, 512 p.

Bink F. & Moenen R. 2013. Dagvlinders in de Benelux. — Bink, Bennekom, 191 p.

Bink F. & Moenen R. 2015. Butterflies in the Benelux. Based on Dagvlinders in de Benelux. Revised and extended (url)

Blicher Bjerregård E., Bjerg M., Clausen A., Kaj K., Glintborg S. & Videnkjær C. 2023. Butterflies of Albania: new surveys, four new records and a new checklist (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). — Phegea 51(2): 65–76.

Bond K. 2023. Lepidoptera recorded in Albania during two visits, 2009 and 2014. — Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation 135(3): 129–136.

Bozhinovska E. & Melovski D. 2020. Distribution of butterflies Lepidoptera, Papilionidae & Hesperoidea in the Prespa region, North Macedonia, Albania and Greece. Bulletin of the Biology Student’s Research Society 5: 97-110 (url)

Brown J. 1976. A review of the genus Pseudochazara de Lesse, 1951 (Lep. Satyridae) in Greece. — Entomologist’s Gazette 27: 85–90 (url)

Brown J. 1980. On the status of a little known satyrid butterfly from Greece. — Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation 92(11/12): 280–281 (url)

Cardoso et al. 2011. The seven impediments in invertebrate conservation and how to overcome them. Biological Conservation 144: 2647-2655 (url)

Clarke H. 2022. A provisional checklist of European butterfly larval foodplant. — Nota Lepidopterologica 45: 139-167 (url)

Coutsis J. 1983. Description of the female genitalia of Hipparchia fagi Scopoli, Hipparchia semele Linnaeus (Satyridae) and their related taxa. — The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 22(3): 161–203 (url)

Coutsis J. 2012. A comparison between the female genitalia of Gegenes pumilio and those of G. nostrodamus (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea) — Phegea 40(1): 39–40 (url)

Cuvelier S. 2009. Pelopidas thrax, a new species for the Island of Kós and an update of its distribution in Greece (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea & Papilionoidea). — Phegea 37(3): 84-93 (url)

Cuvelier S. 2014. The Butterflies and Skippers of the North-Aegean Islands of Híos, Psará and Lésvos (Greece). New observations and an update on their distribution (Papilionoidea & Hesperioidea). — Phegea 42(3): 58-70 (url)

Cuvelier S. & Mølgaard M. 2015. Pseudochazara amymone (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) in Albania: Variability analysis, androconial scales and new distributional data. — Nota lepidopterologica 38(1): 1–22 (url)

Cuvelier S., De Mol R. & Mølgaard M. 2016. Two extreme forms of Pseudochazara amymone (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) from Albania. — Phegea 44(1): 14–16 (url)

Cuvelier S., Parmentier L., Paparisto A. & Couckuyt J. 2018. Butterflies of Albania – Fluturat e Shqipërisë. New surveys, new species and a new checklist (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) — Phegea 46(2): 48-69 (url)

Cuvelier S., Parmentier L., Paparisto A. & Couckuyt J. 2018. Butterflies of Albania – Fluturat e Shqipërisë. New surveys, new species and a new checklist (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) S4: distribution maps for all species. — Phegea 46(2): http:/www.phegea.org/Phegea/Appendices/Phegea46-2_S4 (url)

Cuvelier S., Parmentier L., Qirinxhi X. & Paparisto A. 2023. Butterflies of Albania new data and going online. Fluturatat e Shqipërisë të dhëna të reja dhe faqja online (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) — Buletini i Shkencave te Natyres, Tirana university. 32(2022): 5-31 (url)

Cuvelier S. 2023. Albania, a country with unexpected, intraspecific genetic variability in butterflies (Papilionoidea: Nymphalidae & Lycaenidae). Balancing on a tightrope between species, subspecies, ESU's and haplotypes. — Lépidoptères 32(82): 32-40 (url)

Dapporto L., Menchetti M., Vodă R., Corbella C., Cuvelier S., Djemadi I., Gascoigne-Pees M., Hinojosa J., Lam N., Serracanta M., Talavera G., Dincă V. & Vila. R. 2022. The Atlas of mitochondrial diversity of Western Palearctic butterflies. — Global Ecology and Biogeography. 00, 1–7 (url)

Dapporto L., Menchetti M., Vodă R., Corbella C., Cuvelier S., Djemadi I., Gascoigne-Pees M., Hinojosa J., Lam N., Serracanta M., Talavera G., Dincă V. & Vila. R. 2022b. The Atlas of mitochondrial diversity of Western Palearctic butterflies. Appendix S1. — Global Ecology and Biogeography. 00, 1–7 (url)

de Jong R. & Coutsis J. 2017. A re-appraisal of Gegenes Hübner, 1819 (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae) based on male and female genitalia, with the description of a new genus, Afrogegeness. — Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 160: 41-60 (url)

Dhora Dh. (2005). Liqeni i Shkodrës.Shtëpia Botuese Camaj-Pipa, Shkodër. 252 p.

Dhora Dh., Dhora D. & Dhora A. (2016). Liqeni i Shkodrës. Shtëpia Botuese Fiorentia, Shkodër. 202 p.

Dincă V., Lukhtanov V., Talavera G. & Vila R. 2011. Unexpected layers of cryptic diversity in Wood White Leptidea butterflies. — Nature Communications 2: 324 (url)

Dincă V., Szekely L., Kovács S., Kovács Z. & Vila R. 2008. Pyrgus andromedae (Wallengren, 1853) (Hesperiidae) in the Romanian Carpathians. — Nota lepidopterologica 31(2): 263–272 (url)

Dincă V., Dapporto L., Somervuo P., Vodă R., Cuvelier S., Gascoigne-Pees M., Huemer P., Mutanen M., Hebert P. & Vila R. 2021. High resolution DNA barcode library for European butterflies reveals continental patterns of mitochondrial genetic diversity. — Communications Biology (url)

Eckweiler W. 2012. New discoveries of Pseudochazara mamurra amymone Brown, 1976 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). — Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo 33(1): 1–4 (url)

Engelhardt E., Bowler D. & Hof C. 2023. European Habitat Directive has fostered monitoring but not prevented species declines. Conservation Letters 16 e12948 (url)

Etemi F., Bytyqi P. & Visoka V. 2017. New Records of Araschnia levana (Linneaus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Kosovo. — Journal of International Environmental Application & Science 12(1): 5–8 (url)

Franeta F. & Đurić M. 2011. On the distribution of Colias caucasica balcanica Rebel, 1901, with two new records for Serbia (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). — Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo 32(1/2): 31–37 (url)

Franeta F., Kogovšek N. & Verovnik R. 2012: On the presence of Pontia chloridice (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in the Republic of Macedonia. — Phegea 40(1): 17–20 (url)

Franeta F. 2018. Checklist of the butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Montenegro. — Zootaxa 4392: 128-148 (url)

Gascoigne-Pees M., Verovnik R., Franeta F. & Popović M. 2014. The lifecycle and ecology of Pseudochazara amymone (Brown, 1976) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). — Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo, N. F. 35(3): 129–138 (url)

Gaskin D. 1990. Butterflies in Albania, September 1988 (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea & Papilionoidea). — Phegea 18(1): 23–26 (url)

Geiger H. & Scholl A. 1982. Pontia daplidice (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) in Südeuropa – eine Gruppe von zwei Arten. — Mitteilungen der Schweizer Entomologischen Gesellschaft 55: 107–114 (url)

Gross F. 1978. Beitrag zur Systematik von Pseudochazara Arten (Lep. Satyridae). — Atalanta 9: 41–103 (url)

Hallman C., Sorg M., Jongejans E., Siepel H., Hofland N., Schwan H. et al. 2017. More than 75 percent decline over 27 years in total flying insect biomass in protected areas. Plos One 12(10) e0185809. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0185809 (url)

Higgins L. & Riley N. 1970. A field guide to the Butterflies of England and Europe. — Collins, London, 320 p.

Higgins L. 1975. The Classification of European Butterflies. — Collins, London, 380 p.

Hubrechts S. 2013. A re-evaluation of the cryptic species complex Leptidea (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) in Belgium. — Universiteit Antwerpen, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Evolutionaire ecologie, Antwerpen, 53 p.

Huemer P., Krpač V., Plössl B. & Tarmann G. 2011. Contribution to the fauna of Lepidoptera of the Mavrovo National Park (Republic of Macedonia). — Acta Entomologica Slovenica 19: 169–186 (url)

Isidorov G. 1995. Klima e Shqiperise. Instituti i Shkencave, Drejtoria e Sherbimit Hidrometeorologjik. Shtepia botuese "Mihal Duri", Tirane, 165 p.

Jakšić P. 1998. Dnevni leptiri (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea i Papilionoidea) Šar-planine. The butterflies of Šar-planina Mt. (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea & Papilionoidea). — Zaštita prirode 50: 229–252 (url)

Jakšić P. & Ristić G. 1999. New and rare species of Lepidoptera in Yugoslavia. — Acta entomologica serbica 4(1/2): 63–74 (url)

Jakšić P. 2007. Contribution to knowledge of the butterflies of Mt. Paštrik, Serbia (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea). — Acta entomologica serbica 12(2): 55–61 (url)

Jakšić P. 2008. Prime butterfly areas: a tool for nature conservation in Serbia. Habiprot, Beograd, 223 p.

John E., Wiemers M., Makris C. & Russell P. 2013. The Pontia daplidice (Linnaeus, 1758)/Pontia edusa (Fabricius, 1777) complex (Lepidoptera: Pieridae): confirmation of the presence of Pontia daplidice in Cyprus, and of Cleome iberica DC. as a new host-plant for this species in the Levant. — Entomologist’s Gazette 64: 69–78 (url)

Kabashi-Kastrati E., Zhushi-Etemi F., Çadraku H. & Bytyçi P. 2022. First record of Heteropterus morpheus (Pallas, 1771) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) from the Republic of Kosovo. – Ecologia Balkanica 14(1): 149-153 (url)

Kabashi-Kastrati E., Zhushi-Etemi F. & Bytyçi P. 2022. Notes on the presence of Erebia alberganus (De Prunner, 1879) (Lepidoptera: Nymphaliddae) for Kosovo. – Polish Journal of Natural Sciences 37(4): 445-453 (url)

Kolev Z. & Shtinkov N. 2016. The Pygmy Skipper Gegenes pumilio: a new species to Bulgaria, and a confirmation of its occurrence in the eastern Balkan Peninsula (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). – Phegea 44(1): 17-22 (url)

Koren T., Kulijer D., Vukotić K. & Zhushi-Etemi F. 2021. Contribution to the knowledge of the butterfly diversity (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Kosovo. — Entomologist’s Gazette 72: 119-129 (url)

Krpač V., Darcemont C., Krpač M. & Lemonnier-Darcemont M. 2011. Fauna of butterflies (Papilionoidea) in the National Park Galičica, Republic of Macedonia. — Nota lepidopterologica 34(1): 49–78 (url)

Krpač V. & Darcemont C. 2012. Red list of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea & Papilionoidea) for Republic of Macedonia. — Revue Ecologie (Terre Vie) 67: 117–122 (url)

Krpač V., Krpač M., Lemonnier-Darcemont M., Darcemont C., Postolov M. & Lazarevska S. 2013. Invertebrates Fauna (Invertebrata) in the National Park of Mavrovo. — Plant Protection 24(26/27): 7–92 (url)

Kudrna O., Pennerstorfer J. & Lux K. 2015. Distribution Atlas of European butterflies and skippers. — Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Peks i.K., Schwanfeld, Germany, 632 p.

Kudrna O. 2019. Distribution of Butterflies and Skippers in Europe (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera, Grypocera). 24 years Mapping European Butterflies (1995-2019). Final Report. Společnost pro Ochranu Motýlů, Prachatice, Czech Republic, 363 p.

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Louy D., Habel J., Ulrich W. & Schmitt T. 2014. Out of the Alps: The biogeograpy of a disjunctly distributed mountain butterfly, the Almond eyed ringlet Erebia alberganus (Lepidoptera, Satyrinae) — Journal of Heredity 105: 28–38 (url)

Luquet G. & Misja K. 1989a. Une aberration spectaculaire de Didymaeformia didyma Esp. (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae). — Alexanor 16(1) 13–14.

Luquet G. & Misja K. 1989b. Premières observations de Danaus chrysippus (L.) en Albanie (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae). — Alexanor 16(2) 67–70.

Maes et al. 2019. Integrating national Red Lists for prioritising conservation actions for European butterflies. Journal of Insect conservation. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10841-019-00127-z (url)

Malatesta L., De Sanctis M., Ammann E., Attore F., Buffi F., Cambria V., Fratarcangeli C., Hoda P., Mahmutaj E., Meco M., Mullaj A., Shuka L. & Fanelli G. 2023. Bioregionalization of Albania: Mismatch between the flora and the climate suggests that our models of Southern European bioregions are in need of a revision. Folia Geobotanica (url)

Melovski D. 2004. Araschnia levana (L., 1758), a new species for the Macedonian butterfly fauna (Lep.: Nymphalidae). — The Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation 116: 273–275 (url)

Melovski D. 2014. Diversity of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea & Hesperioidea) in Prespa National Park (Albania) — Macedonian Ecological Society report, 15 p (url) (consulted 08.viii.2022)

Melovski D. & Bozhinovsk E. 2014. New records for four butterfly species (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea & Hesperioidea) in the Republic of Macedonia. — Journal of Natural Sciences Research 4(7): 40–44 (url)

Micevski N. & Micevski B. 2006. A biogeographical and ecological analysis of the Butterfly fauna of Pelister National Park. — Biologia Macedonica 57/58: 89–98 (url)

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Micevski B. & Micevski N. 2008b. Contribution to the knowledge of butterfly fauna of Macedonia. 2. Osogovo Mountains — Biologia Macedonica 61: 85–92 (url)

Micevski B., Micevski N. & Verovnik R. 2009a. New records of the rare Escher's Blue, Polyommatus escheri (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), from the Republic of Macedonia. — Phegea 37(2): 322–325 (url)

Micevski B., Micevski N. & Keymeulen A. 2009b. Melitaea aurelia Nickerl 1850 (Nymphalidae, Lepidoptera), a new species for the Republic of Macedonia. — Lambillionea 109(3): 69–73 (url)

Micevski N. 2015. De Prunner’s Ringlet Erebia triaria (de Prunner, 1798) (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) – a new species for the Republic of Macedonia. — Natura Sloveniae 16(1): 53–58 (url)

Micevski N., Franeta F., Gascoigne-Pees M., Micevski B. & Verovnik R. 2015. Butterfly surveys in Albania during 2014 including the discovery of two new species for the country. — Ecologica Montenegrina 3: 1–12 (url)

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Misja K. 2005. Fluturat e Shqipërisë. Macrolepidoptera (Rhopalocera, Bombyces & Sphinges, Noctuidae, Geometridae). — Akademia e Shkencave e Shqipërisë, Instituti i Kërkimeve Biologjike,Tiranë, 247 p. [in Albanian]. Uploaded on Researchgate by Sylvain Cuvelier who is not a coauthor of this book (cover, url)

Misja K. 2006. Libri i Kuq i Faunes Shqiptare (The Red Book of Albanian Fauna). — Institution Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration Tirana: 85–130 (cover)

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Mølgaard M. & Cuvelier S. 2021. Web application for recognition of Greek butterflies - a review. — Nordjysk Lepidopterolklub 40(3): 9-17 (pdf)

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Murraj X. 1972. Les papillons du jour en Albanie (Rhopalocera). — Buletini i Shkencave të Natyrës 3–4: 83–107.

Nahirnić A., Jakšić P. & Viborg A. 2015. Colias caucasica balcanica (Pieridae) rediscovered in Montenegro, with additional records for Serbia. — Phegea 43(1): 6–10 (url)

Nahirnić-Beshkova A. & Beshkov A. 2017. Penestoglossa dardoinella (Millière, 1863) (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) recorded for the first time in Albania.
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Numa C., van Swaay C., Wynhoff I., Wiemers M., Barrios V., Allen D., Sayer C., López Munguira M., Balletto E., Benyamini D., Beshkov S., Bonelli S., Caruana R., Dapporto L., Franeta F., Garcia-Pereira Karaçetin E., Katbeh-Bader A., Maes D., Micevski N., Miller R., Monteiro E., Moulai R., Nieto A., Pamperis L., Pe’er G., Power A., Šašić M., Thompson K., Tzirkalli E., Verovnik R., Warren M. & Welch H. 2016. The status and distribution of Mediterranean butterflies. — IUCN, Malaga, Spain. 32 p (url)

Pamperis L. 2009. The butterflies of Greece. Second Edition revised and enlarged. — Editions Pamperis, Athens, 766 p.

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Parmentier L. 2022. Contribution to the Lepidopteran fauna of Albania with a first confirmation of Satyrium pruni (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) present in the country. — Phegea 50(3): 160-163 (url)

Parmentier L., Vila R. & Lukhtanov V. 2022. Integrative analysis reveals cryptic speciation linked to habitat differentiation within Albanian populations of the anomalous blues (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Polyommatus Latreille, 1804) – Comparative Cytogenetics 16(4): 211-242.2022 (url)

Miho A., Bego F. & Beqiraj S. 2024. Vlerat natyrore dhe biodiversiteti i Deltës së Vjosës – gjendja sot dhe kërcënimet. Natural values and biodiversity of the Vjosa Delta - current situation and threats. Përmbledhje punimesh / Collected works. FShN, UT, Tiranë / FNS, UT, Tirana (url)

Peqini L., Paparisto A., Elezaj E., Tatari F., Cuvelier S. & Miho A. 2024 in Miho A., Bego F. & Beqiraj S. 2024. Vështrim mbi insektet (Klasa Insecta) e Deltës së Vjosës / Overview on the insects (Class Insecta) of the Vjosa Delta (url)

Płóciennik M., Pawlikiewicz P. & Pabis K. 2009. Palpita vitrealis (Rossi, 1794) and Lygephila craccae ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) - Lepidoptera new for the fauna of Albania. — Journal of the Entomological Research Society 11(2): 39–41 (url)

Popescu-Gorj A. 1971. Ergebnisse der Albanien-Expedition 1961 des “Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes”. 82. Beitrag. Lepidoptera: Satyridae I (Genus Erebia Dalman). — Beiträge zur Entomologie 21(3/6): 509–516 (url)

Popović M., Đurić M., Franeta F. & Verovnik R. 2013. On the extremely rich butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) of the south-eastern foothills of Stara Planina Mts in Serbia. — Phegea 41(4): 74–81 (url)

Prendi M., Paparisto A. & Cuvelier S. 2023. Proterebia phegea (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae): building bridges between the relic populations of Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Greece, and a new record from northern Albania. — Phegea 51(2): 59–64 (url)

Rebel 1903. Studien über die Lepidopterenfauna der Balkanländer. Bulgarien und Ostrumelien. — Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 18: 123-349 (url)

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