UTirana Fluturat Monographs

Fluturat e Shqipërisë
Butterflies of Albania

Sylvain Cuvelier =
Anila Paparisto =

Last update: 05.viii.2023


Tirana University
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Department of Biology
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Fabriciana adippe / High Brown Fritillary

Nymphalidae - Heliconiinae

Fabriciana adippe ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775). TL: Vienna.

1a. Fabriciana adippe, distribution map. Historical data ; Additional data from the 2018 update ; New observations since the 2018 update.
1b. Fabriciana adippe ♂ upperside, taken by a crab spider. Mali i Thatë, Albania (© Sylvain Cuvelier)
1c. Fabriciana adippe ♂ lateral. Tudis, Albania (© Sylvain Cuvelier)
1d. Fabriciana adippe ♂ underside, caught by a crab spider. Mali i Thatë, Albania (© Sylvain Cuvelier)
1e. Fabriciana adippe ♂ mud puddling. Romania (© Sylvain Cuvelier)

Large butterfly. Fw: 25-31 mm.
Ups: bright fulvous gc.
Upf: conspicuous, wide sex-brands along v2-3.
Unf: paler gc.
Unh: buff gc, often with light olive-green suffusion, variable silvery spots and postdiscal row of brown-ringed silver-pupilled (largely reduced silvery spots in forma cleodoxa), small or absent spot in s4 without black dot.
Similar size.
Ups similar, without sex brands.
Uns similar.

Similar species

Fabriciana niobe
Size:often slightly smaller Fabriciana.
Upf: ♂♂ narrow sex-brands along v1-3.
Unh: yellow-buff spot in cell base.
Unh: often centered with small black dot.
Unh: narrowly ringed pd ocelli
Forma eris: unh buf spots replacing silvery spots.




Speyeria aglaja
Upf: ♂♂ narrow sex-brands along v1-3.
Unh: no pd ocelli.
Unh: no spot in cell base.

Life cycle
Adults: single generation from mid-June to August.
Egg: loverwintering with young larva in the chorion.
Caterpillar: 8-10 weeks.
Pupa: 14-28 days.

Fabriciana adippe inhabits dry limestone grasslands with scattered bushes and in open, sunny spaces in light woodlands from 500 up to 1800 m a.s.l.
Spatial requirement considerable, population density can be high.

Caterpillars feed on Viola canina, V.hirta, V. odorata, V. reichenbachiana, V. riviniana and V. tricolor.
Butterflies feed on a large variety of flowers.

Albania: widespread in the mountains.
Balkan: AL - BG - BIH - GR - HR - NMK - MNE - RKS - RO - SLO - SRB
Europe: IB - IT - ALP - BAL - NWE - UK - SCA - EEU
Asia Minor, Transcaucasia, Caucasus and further east.

Conservation status
Fabriciana adippe is not endangered.
Albanian Red List: NE.
IUCN Red List, category at the Mediterranean level: LC.

Useful links
Bink 2015

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