Fluturat e Shqipërisë Butterflies of Albania Sylvain Cuvelier = Anila Paparisto =
Last update: 20.xii.2023
Hesperia comma - Ochlodes sylvanus - Thymelicus species
Upf: pale yellow apical spots Prominent sex-brand
Unf: pale apical spots Unh: distinct silvery markings
Upf: pale yellow apical spots No sex-brand
Unf: pale apical spots nh: distinct silvery markings
Upf: orange-buff apical spots Prominent sex-brand Antenna: hooked club
Unh: indistinct, pale yellowish markings
Upf: orange-buff apical spots Antenna: hooked club
Unf: orange-buff apical spots Unh: indistinct, pale yellowish markings
Gc: dusky fulvous. Very small butterfly Upf: paler orange-yellow streak in cell Paler orange bowded line in cell and s3-S9 Prominent sex-brand, not reaching v3
Gc: dusky fulvous. Very small butterfly Upf: paler orange-yellow streak in cell Paler orange bowded line in cell and s3-S9
Gc: dusky fulvous. Larger Thymelicus Fw: elongated Upf: paler orange area from cell to costa No paler orange bowded line in cell and s3-S9 Prominent sex-brand Unh: olive green gc
Gc: dusky fulvous. Larger Thymelicus Fw: elongated Upf: paler orange area from cell to costa No paler orange bowded line in cell and s3-S9
Unh: olive green gc
Gc: fulvous, not dusky (fresh specimens) Antenna top: black beneath Upf: no orange-yellow streak or bowded line Prominent sex-brand, reaching v3
Gc: dusky fulvous (fresh specimens) Antenna top: black beneath Upf: no orange-yellow streak or bowded line
Gc: fulvous, not dusky (fresh specimens) Antenna tip: fulvous beneath Upf: no orange-yellow streak or bowded line Prominent sex-brand
Gc: dusky fulvous (fresh specimens) Antenna tip: fulvous beneath Upf: no orange-yellow streak or bowded line