UTirana Fluturat General Chapters

Fluturat e Shqipërisë
Butterflies of Albania

Sylvain Cuvelier =
Anila Paparisto =

Last update: 17.iv.2024


Tirana University
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Department of Biology
0 Introduction Acknowledgements Content General Chapters Monographs Checklist Additions Sources Index Updates  

< 8. Habitat characteristics

9. Butterfly identification

Butterflies are important indicators of a healthy environment and ecosystem. They are flagship species for conservation in general and indicate a wide range of other invertebrates. A correct butterfly identification is important for understanding the distribution of each species, for nature management and for conservation purposes.
Unfortunately, this process can be tricky in a lot of cases. Within the same family, many species show mutual similarities in wing characteristics.
These differences can be subtle and ask for a good examination of the specimen. Some species are not separable on external morphology.
Depending on the characteristics, different research methods will be used.

For species that do not have similar taxa, visual identifcation in the field is sufficient.
Field photography of local species makes sense to collect evidence. In the table below these species are marked with

For similar species, it is recommended to net the butterflies.
In the species monographs, the similar species and their distinguishing characteristics, if there are any, are given.
Comparative figures are available for all the involved species (see: monographs)
An example: Polyommatus.
Different field guides give identification keys and they can be used in the field.
The specific characteristics can easily be investigated by gently taking the butterfly between the thumb and a finger (Fig 1a-c).
It also allows to photograph both sides of the butterfly or a part of an antennal club. After careful examination, the butterfly can be released.

1a. Investigation of the antennal club to distinguish Erebia medusa from Erebia oeme. Erebia medusa. Cerem, Albania. (Photograph: Sylvain Cuvelier )
1b. Investigation of the underside of a Colias specimen (Photograph: Sylvain Cuvelier )

For small specimens a Petri dish or transparant tube can be useful (Fig. 2)

2. Investigation of the underside of a Plebejus in a transparant tube. Albania (Photograph: Ken Bond )

Field photography has become very accessible and is a second option for similar species but only as second choice. It can be difficult to visualize the characteristics you are looking for and in most cases it is only possible to photograph the upper- or the underside.

For the species with subtle and small characteristics, sampling the specimen for further research is the best option.
The voucher specimens also need to be prepared, labeled, databased and stored in a reference collection.
Misja (2005) devoted a chapter to the material and how to collect, process samples and build a reference collection: "1. Pjesa e përgjithshme I.1. Grumbullimi i fluturave, përpunimi dhe formimi i koleksioneve.
A translation of this chapter is available including some additional information (entomological material)
Such a reference collection (public or private) remains the mainstay of entomology because it provides evidence and contains material for optimal control of the identification, dissections and genetic research (if the material is not too old). It can be included in studies concerning population genetics, molecular systematics etc.
Responsible collecting, following ethical guidelines, remains an essential way to make further progress in the scientific knowledge of the butterflies.

Cryptic species, for example the Leptidea triplet (
Dincă V. et al., 2011), are not separable based on external morphology. Sampling for analysis is needed.
In many cases, there are subtle differences in the structure of the male and/or female genitalia (Fig. 3). Dissection will allow a correct identification.

Fig. 3. Dissection of ♂ Maniola jurtina during a training on 19.vii.2022 for biology students at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Biology, Tiranë (Photograph: AP)

In a limited number of cases, there are only differences in the DNA. In this case, mitochondrial DNA barcoding is needed for a correct identification.

There are now also a few photo recognition apps available based on artificial intelligence. This is still in its infancy and similar species cannot yet be properly identified despite good photos (Mølgaard & Cuvelier, 2021) We currently advise against its use.

Guidelines for identifying the Albanian butterfly species

1. Visual
: the butterfly can be dentified with certainty in the field as there are no closely similar species.
: photographic evidence is preferred for local species.

2. Net (+) / sampling: for a correct identification, specific characteristics need to be examined.

3. Genitalia: a correct identification based on external characteristics is impossible. The diifferences in genitalia allow a correct identification.

4. Barcoding: only DNA barcoding allows a correct identification. Barcoded Albanian specimen(s) including the link to BOLDSYSTEMS or GENBANK (up to 4)

Visual ( photo)
Net (+ ) / sampling
Barcoding ( Albania)
Iphiclides podalirius
Papilio alexanor
Papilio machaon
Parnassius apollo
Driopa mnemosyne
Allancastria cerisyi
Zerynthia polyxena
Gegenes nostrodamus
Versus G. pumilio
Alternative possibility
Gegenes pumilio
Versus G. nostrodamus
Alternative possibility
Hesperia comma
Ochlodes sylvanus
Thymelicus acteon
Net. Versus other Thymelicus
Thymelicus lineola
Net. Versus other Thymelicus
Thymelicus sylvestris
Net. Versus other Thymelicus
Carterocephalus palaemon
Heteropterus morpheus
Carcharodus alceae
Net. Versus all Muschampia.
Muschampia floccifera
Versus M. orientalis
Muschampia lavatherae
Net. Versus other Muschampia.
Muschampia orientalis
Versus M. floccifera
Erynnis marloyi
Net. Versus E. tages
Erynnis tages
Net. Versus E. marloyi
Muschampia alta
Muschampia tessellum
Pyrgus alveus
both sides. Can still be difficult.
Versus other Pyrgus
Pyrgus andromedae
both sides. Can still be difficult.
Versus other Pyrgus
Pyrgus armoricanus
both sides. Can still be difficult.
Versus other Pyrgus
Pyrgus carthami
both sides. Can still be difficult.
Versus other Pyrgus
Pyrgus cinarae
both sides. Can still be difficult.
Versus other Pyrgus
Pyrgus malvae
both sides. Can still be difficult.
Versus other Pyrgus
Pyrgus serratulae
both sides. Can still be difficult.
Versus other Pyrgus
Pyrgus sidae

Spialia orbifer

Spialia phlomidis
Colias alfacariensis
Colias aurorina
Colias caucasica
Colias croceus
Gonepteryx cleopatra
♀ net or sampling
Gonepteryx farinosa
♂ ♀ net or sampling
Gonepteryx rhamni
♂ ♀ net or sampling
Leptidea duponcheli
Leptidea juvernica
Versus L. sinapis
Alternative possibility
Leptidea sinapis
Versus L. juvernica
Alternative possibility

Anthocharis cardamines

♀ net
Anthocharis damone
♀ net
Anthocharis gruneri
♀ net
Euchloe ausonia
Euchloe penia
Pieris balcana
Net or sampling
No use vs. P. napi
Pieris brassicae
Pieris ergane
Net. Versus other Pieris
Pieris krueperi
Net. Versus other Pieris
Pieris mannii
Net. Versus other Pieris
Pieris napi
Net. Versus other Pieris
No use vs. P. balcana
Pieris rapae
Net. Versus other Pieris
Pontia chloridice
Net. Versus E. ausonia
Pontia edusa
Lycaena alciphron
♀ net
Lycaena candens
♀ net
Lycaena dispar
Lycaena ottomanus
♂ ♀ net. Versus L. virgareae
Lycaena phlaeas
Lycaena thersamon
♂ ♀ net
Lycaena tityrus
Lycaena virgaureae
♂ ♀ net. Versus L. ottomanus
Agriades dardanus
♀ net
Aricia agestis
♂ ♀ net
If doubt with A. artaxerxes
Aricia anteros
♀ net
Aricia artaxerxes
♂ ♀ net
If doubt with A. agestis
Cacyreus marshalli
Celastrina argiolus
Cupido alcetas
♂ net - ♀ difficuilt versus C. decolorata
No use vs. C. decolorata
Cupido argiades
Cupido decolorata
♂ net - ♀ difficult versus C. alcetas
No use vs. C. alcetas
Cupido minimus
Net. ♀ difficult versus ♀ C. osiris
Cupido osiris
Difficult for ♀ versus ♀ C. minimus
Cyaniris semiargus
Eumedonia eumedon
Glaucopsyche alexis
Iolana iolas
Kretania sephirus
Lampides boeticus
Leptotes pirithous
Lysandra bellargus
♀ net
Lysandra coridon
♀ net
Phengaris alcon
Phengaris arion
Plebejus argus
Net or sampling. Versus other Plebejus
If doubt with other Plebejus
Plebejus argyrognomon
Net or sampling. Versus other Plebejus
If doubt with other Plebejus
Plebejus idas
Net or sampling. Versus other Plebejus
If doubt with other Plebejus
Polyommatus admetus
Polyommatus amandus
Polyommatus damon
Polyommatus daphnis
Polyommatus dorylas
Polyommatus eros
Polyommatus escheri

Polyommatus icarus

Polyommatus (aroaniensis) lurae
No major differences
Only possibility
Polyommatus (aroaniensis) orphicus
No major differences
Only possibility
Polyommatus ripartii
No major differences
Polyommatus thersites
Net. Versus P. icarus and ♀ forma icarinus
Pseudophilotes bavius
Net. Versus P. vicrama
Pseudophilotes vicrama
Net. Versus P. bavius
Scolitantides orion
OK Uns
Net to see underside
Tarucus balkanica
OK Uns
Net to see underside
Callophrys rubi
Favonius quercus
Satyrium acaciae
Net. Versus other Satyrium
Satyrium ilicis
Net. Versus other Satyrium
Satyrium pruni
Net. Versus other Satyrium
Satyrium spini
Net. Vversus other Satyrium
Satyrium w-album
Net. Versus other Satyrium
Thecla betulae
Hamearis lucina
Apatura ilia
Net. Versus A. metis
Apatura iris
Apatura metis
Net. Versus A. ilia
Charaxes jasius
Danaus chrysippus
Argynnis pandora
Argynnis paphia
Boloria dia
Boloria euphrosyne
Net. Versus potential B. selene
Boloria graeca
Net. Versus B. pales
Boloria pales
Net. Versus B. graeca
Boloria titania
Brenthis daphne
Net. Versus B. ino and B. hecate
Brenthis hecate
Net. Versus B. daphne and B. ino
Brenthis ino
Net. Versus B. daphne and B. hecate
Fabriciana adippe
Net. Versus F. niobe and S. aglaja
Fabriciana niobe
Net. Versus F. adippe and S. aglaja
Issoria lathonia
Speyeria aglaja
Net. Versus F. adippe and F. niobe
Libythea celtis
Limenitis camilla
Net. Versus L. reducta
Limenitis reducta
Net. Versus L. camilla
Neptis rivularis
Neptis sappho
Agalis io
Aglais urticae
Araschnia levana
Euphydryas aurinia
Euphydryas maturna OK      
Melitaea arduinna
Net. Versus M. cinxia and M. phoebe
Melitaea athalia
Versus M. aurelia /M. diamina
Melitaea aurelia
Versus M. athalia
Melitaea cinxia
Net. Versus M. arduinna
Melitaea diamina
Net. Versus dark M. athalia
If doubt versus dark M. athalia
Melitaea didyma
Net. Versus M. trivia
Melitaea ornata
Doubts about reliability
vs. M. phoebe
Melitaea phoebe
Doubts about reliability
vs. M. ornata
Melitaea trivia
Net. Versus M. didyma
Nymphalis antiopa
Nymphalis polychloros
Net. Versus N. xanthomelas
Nymphalis vau-album
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Net. Versus N. polychloros
Polygonia c-album
Net. Versus P. egea
Polygonia egea
Net. Versus P. c-album
Vanessa atalanta
Vanessa cardui
Aphantopus hyperantus
Arethusana arethusa
Brintesia circe
Chazara briseis
Coenonympha arcania
Net. Versus C. orientalis
Coenonympha glycerion
Net. Versus C. rhodopensis
Coenonympha leander
Net. Versus C. orientalis
Coenonympha orientalis
Net. Versus C. arcania and C. glycerion
Coenonympha pamphilus
Net. Versus other Coenonympha
Coenonympha rhodopensis
Net. Versus C. glycerion
Erebia aethiops
Net. Versus E. pronoe and bigger Erebia
Erebia alberganus
Net. Versus other bigger Erebia
Erebia cassioides
Net. Versus E. ottomana
If doubt with E. ottomana
Erebia epiphron
Net if doubt
Erebia euryale
Net. Versus E. ligea
No use vs. E. ligea
Erebia gorge
Net. Versus E. rhodopensis
Erebia ligea
Net. Versus E. euryale
No use vs. E. euryale
Erebia medusa
Net. Versus E. oeme
If doubt with E. oeme
Erebia melas
Net if doubt
Erebia oeme
Net. Versus E. medusa
If doubt with E. medusa
Erebia ottomana
Net. Versus E. cassioides
If doubt with E. cassioides
Erebia pandrose
Net if doubt
Erebia pronoe
Net. Versus E. aethiops and bigger Erebia
Erebia rhodopensis
Net. Versus E. gorge
Erebia triarius
Net. Versus bigger Erebia
Hipparchia fagi
Versus H. syriaca
No use vs. H. syriaca
Hipparchia fatua
Net. Versus H. statlinus
Hipparchia semele

Versus H. senthes & H. volgensis
No use vs. H. senthes or H. volgensis
Hipparchia senthes

Versus H. semele & H. volgensis
No use vs. H. semele or H. volgensis
Hipparchia statillinus
Net. Versus H. fatua
Hipparchia syriaca
Versus H. fagi
No use vs. H. fagi
Hipparchia volgensis

Versus H. semele & H. senthes
No use vs. H. semele or H. senthes
Hyponephele lupinus
Net. Versus H. lycaon
Hyponephele lycaon
Net. Versus H. lupinus
Kirinia climene
Net. ♂ versus ♂ M. jurtina. ♀ versus ♀ K. roxelana
Kirinia roxelana
Net. Versus K. climene
Lasiommata maera
Net. Versus L. petropolitana
Lasiommata megera
Lasiommata petropolitana
Net. Versus L. maera
Maniola jurtina
♂ net. Versus ♂ K. climene
Melanargia galathea
Net. Versus other Melanargia
Melanargia larissa
Net. Versus other Melanargia
Melanargia russiae
Net. Versus other Melanargia
Minois dryas
Net. Versus S. ferula
Pararge aegeria
Proterebia phegea
Net. Versus E. medusa
Pseudochazara amalthea
Pseudochazara amymone
Net. Versus P. tisiphone
Pseudochazara geyeri
Pseudochazara tisiphone
Net. Versus P. amymone
Pyronia cecilia
Net. Versus P. tithonus
Pyronia tithonus
Net. Versus P. cecilia
Satyrus ferula
Net. Versus M. dryas
> 8. Habitat characteristics
